Outreach Goals
- Provide four mission meals to raise money for Meals on Wheels,
CCMO (Souper Bowl), St. Paul’s Daycare/Kindergarten, and Habitat for Humanity.
- Continue to assist St. Andrews Shepard Ministry with food items and egg cartons from First Sunday Sharing.
- Assist Habitat for Humanity with providing lunch to workers on January 30, May 7, August 27 and November 19.
- Enlist volunteers to work on Habitat homes throughout the year.
- Work with Mellenchamp Elementary School to provide backpack food items, school supplies, mentors and children’s underwear.
- Work with “Catch the Vision” to provide workers for local mission work days.
- Conduct a “Hands and Feet of Christ” Work Day.
- Prepare 100 Blessing Bags to hand out to community members in need.
- Participate in Operation Christmas Child.
Men for Christ
The United Methodist Men‘s organization at St. Paul’s is called the Men for Christ. Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month for a meal and fellowship. Our annual fundraiser is a Pancake Supper from which the proceeds are used to fund various religious needs and benevolent causes. We also host the annual Sweetheart Banquet for the church near Valentine’s day.
Sunday School Classes
The E. S. Jones Sunday School Class is a class for older adults. We study the International Lesson material and have several people who teach on a rotating schedule. Our class is a loving, caring group. Fellowship is a focus; class socials are held bi-monthly. The class meets in the Chapel. Come join us!
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women is organized for mission. Here at St. Paul’s, two circles meet once a month, September through May. Meetings are open to all women seeking to be faithful to the call of Jesus….”Love one another as I have loved you.” In our meetings we fellowship together, pray and study, and work out ways to participate in local and global mission communities, and our home church gatherings. The Harley-Mackay Circle meets each second Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m., and the Covenant Circle meets each first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The Harley-Mackay Circle is collecting the following items for CCMO (Cooperative Church Ministries of Orangeburg): socks for boys and blue jeans (size 32 & 34) For further opportunities to participate in the larger work of the UMW, see http://www.umcsc.net/umw.